Saturday 2 September 2017

Fried rice with preserved olive leaves

I was told that adding preserved olive leaves to fried rice will make it tastier and it is absolutely true. Even the children loved it.


Minced pork
Preserved olive leaves
Frozen vegetables
2 eggs

First of all prepare the egg for garnishing

Break the 2 eggs into a bowl.
Add salt and pepper and beat up the mixture

Pour the egg mixture into the pan and let it set a little

Turn the egg over and break it into small pieces
Remove and set aside

Next fry the rice on its own

Put the cooked rice into a basin

Sprinkle a little water on the rice and break it up so that there are no lumps

Heat the cooking oil with a little sesame oil
Add the garlic and fry till fragrant

Add the rice and a little soy sauce

Stir until there are no lumps
Remove and put aside

Put a little more oil in the wok
Add the pork and fry until colour changes
Season with salt and pepper

Add the vegetables and mix thoroughly

Put in 2 tbsp of the olive vegetable

Stir to mix everything together

Put the rice back when the vegetables are cooked

Put the egg back into the rice and mix thoroughly

Transfer to the rice cooker to keep warm

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