Sunday 3 September 2017

Steamed salmon

Instead of frying or grilling salmon all the time I decided to try steaming it for a change and it turned out quite nice. Since salmon is an oily fish, steaming or grilling is good for weight watchers and newly delivered mothers.

 Salmon (三文鱼) are born in fresh water but spend a large portion of their lives in the open sea only to swim back to their birthplace in order to spawn. This extraordinary homing mechanism is said to be due to their memory of smell which is probably why these intelligent, intuitive fish are considered a 'brain food'. Classified as an oily fish, salmon is healthy due to the fish's high protein and omega-3 fatty acids which is healthy unsaturated fat. During pregnancy both mother and baby can benefit from the oils in salmon. Breast feeding mothers should eat salmon, as the breast milk will have significant amounts of the omega 3 and DHA for the baby’s brain. The deep red color of wild salmon indicates the ample amount of iron it contains, making it an excellent food to increase red blood cell production. However, like all good things, eating too much of the fish can make it toxic instead of beneficial therefore it is better to only eat it once a week. Salmon is also a good source of vitamin D, B12, B6 and cholesterol, magnesium, niacin and selenium. Salmon can be purchased as either steaks or fillets, fresh, frozen, canned or smoked and is a great alternative to red meat.


A block of salmon
1 tomato
A knob of ginger which helps to remove the fishy smell

Place the salmon on a heatproof plate
Season the salmon with a little ground sea salt and pepper
Top with ginger and tomato slices

Place in the steamer.

Cover and steam for 10 minutes.

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