Monday 9 October 2017

Stir fried young lotus root

The good thing about stir fries is that you can combine any ingredients and the food will still be tasty. I found these leftover ingredients in the fridge so decided to throw them together for a side dish.

 Lotus root is one of the most highly recommended foods to eat as it contains high amounts of iron, vitamins B & C. The tender young lotus roots are more suitable for stir fries or in a salad while the starchy mature lotus roots are good for making soups.


1 small young lotus root (the skin looks a bit brown because it has been in the fridge a few days)
Pak choi
Fried tofu puffs

Remove the ends of the pak choi

Remove the skin of the lotus roots

Thinly slice the lotus roots and cut the bean curd puffs into smaller pieces

Heat up a little oil and fry some chopped garlic and salt
Add the lotus roots and mix well with the oil
Add a little water to help the lotus roots cook faster and prevent it burning

Add the pak choi and mix thoroughly
Add a little more water if it is too dry

Add the pak choi
Season with pepper and a little sugar and mix thoroughly

Dish up and serve

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