Tuesday 17 October 2017

Fried tang hoon

The first time I had fried tang hoon was in the 80s and it was fried with small thin shelled lala which was absolutely delicious. I tried frying it and it was a disaster as the tang hoon stuck together. It was only 2 years ago that I tried frying it and realised that tang hoon need more water compared to mee hoon so now it is one of the noodles that I serve for lunch or family gatherings. 


1 small bundle choi sam
Skinless chicken breast
Bacon chips

Cut the choi sam
Separate the stems from the leaves

Slice the chicken into small pieces

Fry some chopped garlic until fragrant then add the bacon

Add the sliced chicken when the bacon is slightly brown

When the chicken has changed colour add the choi sam stems

Add the leaves and mix thoroughly

Add 2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce
Season with salt and pepper
Mix well and add 300 mls water

Rinse the tang hoon

Put in the tang hoon and stir to make sure everything is well mixed

Add more water if necessary because tang hoon will stick together if there is not enough water
Keep on stirring until the tang hoon has absorbed almost all the liquid. 

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