Sunday 17 September 2017

Eggs for breakfast

“Do you want to join me for breakfast? I love soft eggs”.

I found this Japanese egg timer recently and thought that I’ll give it a try since I am not very good at remembering the timing for cooking soft boiled eggs.

It is halfway done when the pink colour in SOFT becomes white.
You will have soft yolks with runny egg white when the pink colour in MEDIUM becomes white.
It is hard boiled when the colour changes to HARD

Completely submerge the eggs and timer in a pot of cold water.
Bring the water to boiling point and turn off the fire.
Wait for the timer to change colour to the desired doneness.

Remove from the pot and serve immediately as the eggs will continue to cook in the shells.
Here is the soft boiled egg for the little one.

Whilst the eggs are cooking, prepare the roti paratha (roti canai)
There are a few brands of this roti in the market and I find this brand (spring home) to be the best.
It is better than some roti canai sold outside.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan.

Put in the frozen roti.
Gently press the centre with a spatula so that it will cook evenly.

The bottom looks like it is starting to brown.

Flip it over to cook the other side.
Gently press on it to help the sides separate.
Flip it over a few times so that it does not get burnt.

Transfer the roti to a plate and press the edges together so that the sides remain separated.

Dip a small piece of roti into the egg.

Pop it into the mouth.

Now to eat the remaining egg.

It takes too long eating the egg with the small spoon.
This way is faster.

Breakfast for the older sister

Put 2 slices of bread on the cutting board.

Use a pastry cutter and cut out the centre.

Heat a little oil in the frying pan.
Put in the bread and toast lightly, about 1 minute. 

Crack an egg into a bowl.

Flip the bread over.

Pour the egg into the hole in the bread and season with salt and pepper.
Cook on low fire until the egg is set.

When the egg is almost cooked, put the cut out bread onto the egg.
You can serve it with the egg uncovered.

Flip the bread over to toast the other side.

Here we are!! Breakfast is ready
This is called egg in the hole!!

Breakfast for everybody on weekends

Put some vegetables into an oiled muffin tray and top with ham.
You can use any ingredients that you like.

Crack 4 eggs into a jug.
Whisk the eggs and 25 ml milk together and season to taste.
Pour the egg mixture onto the vegetables.

Fill the egg mixture to ¾ full otherwise the egg will overflow when it is being cooked.

Pop into the oven and bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes, or until slightly risen and golden.

Remove from oven and leave to cool slightly for a few minutes before serving.

Here we are!! Breakfast is ready. BTW these are called egg muffins.
Actually, we do have other types of breakfast like scrambled eggs, nasi lemak, fried noodles etc. 

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